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We want to raise the profile of Trisomy conditions and are inviting people to support SOFT UK with us. Support Organisation for Trisomy 13/18 (SOFT UK) is a small charity, but the information we gained from SOFT during this painful and desperate time has been invaluable. We don't want people to feel obligated to donate, we know times are hard...we are just happy that you have taken time to look at this page and show your support for us and the boys by leaving a message and/or just by reading our story. But if you do feel able to donate something to SOFT UK then that would be great. We haven't set a target so even £1 will help this small charity to continue to raise awareness and help parents and families better understand the conditions and support them through their difficult journey. Their lives, like ours, will never be the same again. We hope to support SOFT UK more in the future in Isabella's memory. I'm not sure we can ever make sense of what's happened so we feel we have to do something good... something positive... Hope that makes sense. For those who can and have donated, thank you so very very much xx

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Add a Story

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